Aligning Human Capital for Business Success
What Our Clients Say
“The TPS team did an excellent job in presenting Total Performance Scorecard for the management of our Squadron in Ohio. Quite frankly I was surprised how much prior research they had done into the USAF and the personnel system changes but then that demonstrates a high degree of professionalism. ……USAF is trying to become more accountable for performance using the Balanced Scorecard method, but I like the way Dr. Hubert Rampersad has tied the BSC to a Personal Balanced Scorecard. It's almost like Kaplan & Norton meet Stephen Covey“.
--In a letter from Dr. Bob Marx, HR Manager at United States Air Force
“The implementations of Total Performance Scorecard and Personal Balanced Scorecard within ASML have proved to be a good base for sustainable performance enhancement. The contribution of Performance Branding Company is highly valuable in our business. …especially the TPS – Lean Six Sigma is an excellent concept that is so important in our business climate. It describes in a very pragmatic and structured way how to improve company performance and personal satisfaction of employees by aligning company- and personal objectives. Optimizing business processes and enhancing personal engagement does not only result in an enhanced performance but also addresses sustainability of realized improvements over time”. --Paul Stuyvenberg, MBA. Vice- President at AMSL, the world's leading provider of lithography systems for the semiconductor industry
"As part of an ongoing Business Development Program at the ABNAMRO Bank we engaged Performance Branding Company to pilot the implementation of their innovative performance management programs. Focus areas were:
• Develop leadership capabilities in managers and supervisors that enable recognition of, feedback on and development of employee aspirations and capabilities
• Enlarge the scope of individual goal-setting to include work and personal life goal-setting, alignment with organizational goals, and passion for valued outcomes
• Enrich the process of career and talent development to ensure that the right talents are available when needed and where needed, and ensure that performance is recognized and sustained
•Enhance employee engagement
The result of this pilot was very positive. We found the TPSI consultants to be very dependable,passionate, committed, creative, and results oriented!"
--Dennis Lapar, Board member of the Central Works Council meeting at ABNAMRO Bank
“We worked with Dr. Hubert Rampersad to deliver customized talent management and performance management workshops to our floor managers. We wanted workshops that would enhance the leadership skills and self-responsibility of our managers. The results far exceeded our expectations and the sessions could not have gone better. Throughout the sessions, Dr. Rampersad and his team were recognized as seasoned professionals with valuable knowledge, skills and experience. Their presentation was very interactive and practical. The feedback we received from our managers was very positive”. --Bert Stroboer, Account Manager, AMSTERDAM AIRPORT SCHIPHOL, Business Area Aviation
"I asked Hubert Rampersad to conduct a personal BSC and TPS training for our leadership team. It was truly amazing to witness the transformation of the team members shortly after the training. Their leadership skills will enhance their work in numerous areas and I am truly grateful that Hubert was able to make such a positive impact in such a short amount of time. I look forward to having the middle management trained by Hubert and his team."
--Colonel Dennis Kamperveen (Army Chief), Chief of the Suriname Army (Ministry of Defense of Suriname)
“Hubert Rampersad and Anwar El-Homsi combine the power of Lean Six Sigma with an approach that stresses the importance and need of developing an organizational structure and philosophy that combines the goals of and aspirations of the individual with those of the company……During my 38 years of business experience, I’ve seen many well developed management concepts being applied without success and that have failed to recognize the importance of aligning the needs and aspirations of employees with those of company objectives. The TPS-Lean Six Sigma concept offers a systematic process of continuous improvement and development of personal and organizational performance with potential for breakthrough results”. --Ricardo A. Gonzalez Director Worldwide Purchasing, EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY